ohhhhhhhhhhhh, right… how could i forget about this disappointment that i deliberately had to ignore… until now…
for instance, in Steam Deck’s gaming mode, which is using bare wayland (which is a window system, you can just ■■■■■■■ google it… also, well, maybe it’s not so bare as it is literally always in exclusive fullscreen mode), if you were to try launching the NATIVE BeamNG binary from
it then hilariously launches it in 1x1 pixel resolution (if you googled it by now you would’ve understood by now why is that). but THEN in its DESKTOP mode, which is KDE under xwayland, that can run both X11 and wayland apps, beamNG DOES work… except for the horrible screen flickering (epilepsy warning!), not to be confused with screen tearing, which can be fixed with a compositor (unless you have integrated AMD graphics - its a nightmare) - screen flickering (blinking) CANNOT be fixed. period. it’s a FEATURE. it’s SUPPOSED to do that. that’s HOW wayland WORKS.
wanna know why beamNG works ONLY on X11? well, guess what, mate - BeamNG was coded and compiled ONLY for the X11 window system! congratu-■■■■■■■-lations everybody, the devs have yet to catch up to modern standards!
okay, here’s a bit of trivia:
– X11 WILL render your frozen window frame, which is how you get screen tearing.
– (X)WAYLAND will NOT render your last frozen window frame and will default to a black screen, which is how you get screen flickering or blinking.
now you may ask “how is screen flickering better than screen tearing?”
well, i don’t ■■■■■■■ know, do i, but it gives ya more frames innit? (sometimes)
point is, the game’s running in compatibility mode which means it’s old as ■■■■
there are two ways to mitigate this:
- in beamNG’s display settings, enable VSYNC and limit FPS to your monitor’s refresh rate
(unfortunately, this DOESNT help much, but it greatly reduces such flickering. i said this before and i will say it again, this game is completely ■■■■■■, mate) - log out from your session into your desktop manager (e.g. SDDM - your login screen) and choose the X11 session from there
(X11 will be more laggy than wayland, but instead of screen flickering, you will get screen tearing LOL). to fix screen tearing on X11 you can either install / enable a compositor if you haven’t already or editsudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-amdgpu.conf
(if you’re on AMD and usingamdgpu
Section "OutputClass"
Identifier "AMD"
MatchDriver "amdgpu"
Driver "amdgpu"
Option "TearFree" "true"
mad rant below. fanboys beware
OBVIOUSLY, these are all very bad news. the fact that beamNG is using old ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■ 90’s window system made for 2D ■■■■■■■ graphics (im not disrespecting X11 btw - that much at least, im disrespecting beamNG devs who thought its a good ■■■■■■■ idea to compile for something that’s already ■■■■■■■ dead, for ■■■■ sake), X11 was sitting there, DEAD AND DEPRECATED, completely ■■■■■■■ forgotten, rotting for decades, nobody pokes it with a stick anymore but nahhhhhh mate, here comes the beamNG crew to unsettle the ■■■■ bog, cos yknow, right, why the ■■■■ not??! RIGHT?!?! “let there be more compatibility with older devices right”? backwards compati-■■■■■■■-bility, eh??? well what kind of ■■■■■■■ old ■■■ device it’s gotta be that can even run beamNG, mate? how many pc’s do you know from early 2000s that can run beamNG TODAY??? it all kinda contradicts what they’re trying to achieve with their “technology”, right. now that’s a “futureless approach” (sic!). what the ■■■■ were they thinking?! NO, SERIOUSLY, think about this. put yourself on their place, you are coding this game for linux. the year is 2022, update 0.25, okay. people are using wayland as their default window system, because it’s just better in every ■■■■■■■ way, it’s more secure, it’s faster, every desktop environment adopted wayland and completely ditched support for X11. BUT FOR SOME ■■■■■■■ UNKOWN REASON your hand forces you to hit the “compile for X11” anyway. people literally HATE you for this. ■■■■, if this is something you care about, please submit a very annoyed ticket (for the 9000th time). oh i’m sure they’re aware of how ■■■ ■■■■■■■ awful and ■■■■■■ their game is. tell em i said their tyre simulation ■■■■■■■ SUCKS.
this kind of ■■■■, however, doesnt happen with any other software or… games, wow!
these must be very shocking news to all the fanboys of this game - this is just the tip of the iceberg of beamNG’s problems! beamNG is like an ingrown nail fungus, every other modern game is compiled for and using wayland, but beamNG is sticking out like a pus pimple. imagine dreaming about new added features in beamNG… ■■■■■■■ hell… hate to break it to ya, but they’d have to rewrite their whole game for that, i don’t know if you know, but they’ve got the most spaghettified code i’ve ever seen, they’re still finding ■■■■ that they dont even know what it does! okay, maybe its a good thing to keep the code spaghetti, if it works, right, dont touch it. BUT ■■■■ ME, does it just ■■■■■■■ RUIN the future for the game, no??? ■■■■, imagine comprehending the concept of MULTITHREADING in beamNG!!! just ■■■■ up, anyway… you’re NEVER getting multithreading in beamNG if the devs are LIKE THIS.
X11 has been deprecated for YEARS, alright, even by the time vulkan and native binaries were released for beamNG. nobody, and i mean it, NO ONE uses this legacy boomer software that is this slow (compare them by performance!) and non-maintainable. that’s why steam decks ship with wayland by default. no, any other distro goes with wayland. historically X11 was for 2D graphics, that screen tearing is literally an emulation of a scan line that you’d get on a CRT (no disrespect to CRTs)! point is, this ■■■■■■■■ goes against what beamNG devs are trying to accomplish, alright. i just cant explain their stupid decision - they have the ability to compile it for wayland - it’s LITERALLY JUST ONE LINE!!! ■■■■■■■ add it mate, you can compile it for macOS, you can compile it for commodore, for ARM, you can allow it to use 2 CPUs at once, nahhhh, we’re ■■■■■■■ sticking with this ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■ old as ■■■■ X11 yep that’s what we do at beamNG HQ. oh mate dont mind me i just love to ramble haha let me tell you how much i hate the tyre simulation in this ■■■■■■■ game…
cool game!
instructions how to use NATIVE BEAMMP with PROTON / STL / WINE BEAMNG: