Username Change Request Thread

Name changed to Kattakona

All Username Changes Completed 8/7/2024 23:18hrs HST

Can you change my name to ToyotaTacoma

Hey, could you change my username to “dumbasscat” If its not taken already

I don’t know how Toyota Tacoma wasn’t already taken on a forum with over a million car people, but, now it’s yours.

No, sorry, staff will not execute username changes that contain swearing.

Hmm, in that case, could you change it to “LizardWithWings” ?

hello please change my name to kaiserbkaiser or daskaiser something cant have normie friends knowing how cool I am

Name has been updated to KaiserbKaiser, have a great day :smiley:.


Sorry, that name is already in use.

Then please try Coolguy2.0 or coolguy22 or coolguy7000. Thanks!

Or hhgreg_panisonic_blu-ray

Name changed to Coolguy2.0.

The System post has been updated to include the rules and restrictions of name changes, please review them before making your request

Hi, My current username is Sharkisha can i get it changed to “Scumbag Society” please

Name changed to Scumbag_Society

Can my Username be changed to Skittlez_Enthusiast.
It is Currently AverageManFromSutton

name has been updated, enjoy!


Name changed to eduvxvx32

Wait. . . how. . .wait. . .

Do you have magical powers? I can’t set a name if it’s over 15 characters.