Hi! May I please have my username changed to “BerriBun”? Thank you!
Can i get my name changed to “Ayeolus”
names for if that’s already taken
hi could i get my name canged to “2011 Audi a5” that would be vary nice
Would love to have my name TheRomanHydra since all my other things go by that
Can i change my username to just “crazyredhead” without the _YT part at the end?
hi i want my name changed to sleepy but prob taken
sleepy if not taken or : SIeepy with capital i or SL33PY SL3EPY SLE3PY S1epy
if all are taken pls let me know and ill find others.
Can I get mine changed to Cornholio? Or The Great Cornholio. If not I’d gladly accept Beavis
Hello! I would like to change my nick because I mispelled it during registration. Please change my nick to:
Name changed to DrunkDriver0869
Hi so I’ve changed my username on everything except here and it’s probably taken and a bit long so I’d like to shorten it to MoPp or.
Really anything that resembles that because it short for my tag if all is taken from list improvise please I think it’d be an honor
Can I get mine changed to Jaames If not Jaames 2 Thank you
Hi, so, as our system does not recognize upper and lower case letters as different characters all of those names are the same. I’ll see if “mopp” in general is available, but, because it is just “mop” with an extra P I’m assuming no.
Wow, that was actually available.
Hello, I requested a name change on Jan 11th, but no one responded to it. Is something wrong?
Nope! Sorry, that was my bad, I either skipped you entirely or I accidently closed your TAB without actually changing your name. Since that one is on me I’ve paused my username vacation to change your name.
For the rest of you I’ll be “back” tomorrow!
Hey can you change my name to Turbo? If it’s taken i’ve got multiple options:
(In preference order, top is most preferred)
could i get my name changed to LZ or Im_Lz please? if that is not available could it be Its_Lz please?
Get your requests in! I’ll be handling eveyone tonight, sorry for the “vacation” but this task is kind of an extra usually and I had to dump it to handle other things.
Can any staff please change my user to < Luckyy > if that isnt taken? If it is do < Luckyyfrz > please
If any of you could change my username to “RealMyran” that would be very kind of you