Username Change Request Thread

Salut, pouvez-vous me changer le nom d’utilisateur en XPERTGAMINGX87 ? merci d’avance

I deleted an account under txxxpo that was under a email I couldnt access, So I want to use that account name again


All lowercase

Hello, can I change my name to “tacotornado”? If that’s taken you could try:

  • tacotornado04
  • tacotornadoz
  • taco_tornado

Hi I would like to request for a username change to match my discord name, ouchy and if that is taken if it is possible to just add more y’s until it works, thank you.

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mariosilvergun, your name has been changed to Uzi_Doorman2021

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Twenty Eight Gee

Changed from tkoor to uwiqf

Changed from Its_philip to Clapped.out.Ranger

Changed from G_DRAGON_C to GDC

Changed from AxisRespwan to Axiz

Changed from katsuyu to sushi.u

Changed from penguini_the_one to zukini

Changed from Dandaboy to jaskidji2

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Changed from RabidDrubix to Drubix

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Changed from MatGamerPL299 to TheGreatMat


I’m going to have to politely deny this name change, as it references substance abuse. If you’re still interested in changing your name, please provide another name that is more appropriate. Otherwise, for now, your name remains gagechad323.


Name changed from pablokab15 to XPERTGAMINGX87

Name changed from Txxpo to txxxpo

Name changed from trevorthies to tacotornado

Name changed from LordBungus9688 to ouchyy