Username Change Request Thread

Name has been updated to:


moderation/support team

I was wondering if I could just have my username changed to

Your name has been changed! Thanks for being a supporter of the project!

could i change my name to driftecho, if that is taken, driftingechoed would also be good

if that is also taken drifting_echoed and drifting echoed would also pass

edit: would be amazing if the first letter was capitalized

Hi, would like to change my name to the same username to what my discord is so people know who I am better. named to “BlueTail”

Can i change my name to DingusWolf

Name has been updated to:


moderation/support team

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Name has been updated to:


moderation/support team

Name has been updated to:


moderation/support team

May I have my name change please? I would like it to be: (in order of preference)

  1. Zhen
  2. zhen

thanks ^^

Hello. This username is already taken. Is there something else more unique that you’d like instead?

I would like to please change my username to any of the following please:

Hello. Changed to CharlesPerceptions.


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Apologies for making a small update but can you please change to:

Adding the extra bit at the end pushes it beyond the 20 character username limit.

Sorry, I had to reverse your name change. Due to the fact that name changes can be used for ban and punishment evasion we cannot authorize a name change for your account on our level.

Hello, I would like to change my username to “ShadowDrifter” and if taken “ShadowDrifter7757” please. Thank you.

Name has been updated to:


moderation/support team

what about this ones ?

  1. zhen.
  2. Zhen.
  3. zhen.12
  4. Zhen.12
  5. zhen_
  6. zhen_12


I’ve changed your name to Zhen. 12 as “Zhen.” was too similar to a name that is already in use. For future reference for future name changes, our system also considers upper and lower case letters to be the same character, so, “zhen” is the same as “ZHEN”

Have a good one!

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