[01/03/24 18:27:40] [ERROR] Error parsing config file value: [error] bad format: unknown value appeared --> ServerConfig.toml

[01/03/24 18:36:31] [ERROR] Error parsing config file value: [error] bad format: unknown value appeared
→ ServerConfig.toml
15 | Private = True
| ^— here
[01/03/24 18:36:31] [INFO] Closing in 10 seconds

Anyone know what’s wrong with my server, it wont even make the server.log file
does it matter where you place the folder holding the server, does it need to be inside of the BeamNG folder or can it be by itself cause I placed mine in an external storage

Change True to true as the TOML documentation suggests.

thx ill try that

it worked perfectly, thanks a ton, you were a massive help, i didn’t find anything on google so i came here and it paid off