Hello, im just wondering if it’s possible that the beamMP servers could be optimized for potato PC
The only thing i can recommend you to do, is turn on simplified collisions, turning graphics to extremely low, turning “foliage” or the plant stuff to zero, turning down tire marks, and only joining LOW pop servers. MAX 6 players. Every car should be accounted by CPU core. So if you have a quad core CPU, you will only be able to run 4 cars on the server. The only thing I can tell you is to get more ram that your motherboard can support, I have 32gb with an i7 8700k CPU which is 6 cores, and a 6700XT GPU, and I still run about 60 FPS with 8 players on normal graphics. Just need a better CPU and ram.
brutally honest?
nah mate. 1 allocated core (thread) for the UI, 1 allocated core (thread) for the graphics, 1 allocated core (thread) for the audio, so at least 3 cores are reserved - FORGET ABOUT 'EM. this leaves you with 0 cores left on a 4 core CPU, because CORE0 is used by your system, obviously. you can see this in the Task Manager - main process of beamNG: UI, graphics, audio and each subsequent vehicle has its own thread.
so yeah… the minimum recommended amount of cores would be 5 just to simulate 1 vehicle without any lag - every process gets its own full core. but of course, “it works fine on my rig - 4090, threadripper, ■■■■■■ 4 socket xeons, etc etc”…
to gain a couple frames, you can “unload” or even “unpark” (■■■■■■■■) your “cores” by deleting other players - this way you will render them as spheres (blobs) - their last ping or location sent to the server. this is best done by disabling “Automatic queue” in the Multiplayer options, then in Vehicle Config > Debug > Remove all
also… if one were to play on the “experimental” DXVK (vulkan) renderer, be wary of the GPU’s VRAM limits. 4 GB should be usually enough (64 to be safe).
As for the RAM - 8 GB should be the minimum in this day and age, especially for BeamMP (128 is enough, especially with these ■■■■■■■ memory leaks).
there are no FPS “configs” or “optimizers” or ■■■■■■■ “core unparking”, if you are lagging - that’s it, you’re computer’s ■■■■■■ to ■■■■■, mate. but if you DO meet the requirements and STILL lag, then the devs done ■■■■■■ up again - watch out for their spaghetti ■■■■ code. anyway, always check your drivers.
i run BeamMP on a ■■■■■■■ MacBook with Intel on Windows with an eGPU, so can you!
i also play on a Steam Deck with all the periphery and a wheel with pedals installed - just insane.