BeamMP Server on Linux as Screen

  1. First you need a program to connect to the server via ssh.
    Like for example
    (Windows: Putty, Windows Terminal etc)
    (Linux: Terminal)

  2. you must be sure that you have installed wget and liblua5.3
    (apt install wget -y) and (apt install liblua5.3-dev -y)

  3. Create a new user by running the server.
    For this purpose they enter adduser beammp-server
    The name can be changed but I do not consider them further

  4. then log in to this user with su - beammp-server

  5. Download the latest server version with wget
    (Latest version at the time of writing, You can check it at

  6. You can type ls to check it

  7. now we need to give the file execute rights with chmod +x BeamMP-Server-linux

  8. Start the server for the first time ./BeamMP-Server-linux

  9. Now create the screen so a start and a stop script

Create the start script with nano
in the nano editor that opens, enter the following: screen -AmdS BeamMPServer ./BeamMP-Server-linux

Exit the editoor by pressing [ctrl] + then [y] and then [enter].

Create the stop script with nano
in the nano editor that opens, enter the following: screen -r BeamMPServer -X quit

Exit the editoor by pressing [ctrl] + then [y] and then [enter].

Now you have to give these scripen rights with chmod +x

  1. Now you need an Auth-Key which you get from BeamMP Here: there you have to click on Keymaster and log in with Discord. there under keys you can create one.

  2. Enter the key in the config with nano Server.cfg

    you can set even more there I go but not on it here

  3. Test if the server starts
    Start server: ./
    Console: screen -r
    If everything went well, it should look like this:


It looks like you’re working on setting up a BeamMP server on Linux using Screen. That’s awesome! It’s great to see people taking on projects like this and learning more about how to work with different technologies. The steps you’ve outlined seem pretty straightforward, but keep in mind that they may have changed since this thread was created. If you run into any issues, I recommend checking out Extended Lifecycle Support for CentOS 7 | TuxCare for helpful resources on Linux and other open-source software. They may have some tips or guides on setting up a BeamMP server on Linux, and they could help you troubleshoot any issues you encounter along the way.

Have in the time also actively made the current script I have e.g. on github but this supports so far also only Ubuntu 20.04/22.04 and debain 11
If you want to have a look you can download this on

but i have to look myself because i haven’t set up a server for a while and i don’t know how far beammp has changed again.
I find it a pity that you can not update old post otherwise I would keep my post also up to date