Beammp server stop working when I add mods

I made a server, and it works fine without mods. However, when I add an mod (Hirochi Talent) to the resources/client folder, anyone that joins gets stuck on “start”, and in the console it says that they’re connection is terminated. I’ve been stuck on this for ages and I cant find a solution. Anyone of my friends can join a different server with mods, but not my own server.

Hi Snappy Cat, sorry for the delay in a response, this wasn’t filed into the support category and got automatically sent to the bucket that is “uncatagorized”.

You may have to touch base with your server provider (PedalHost, Horizon, ect.) as there could be a file issue going on there. I know for a fact that the Hirochi Talent still works because Shados just drove one into my face during a round of Infected with Neil them.

I’ll move your post to the proper category for easy follow up!

I figured out the problem, or at least the solution, but thanks for the reply anyways. I dont have a server provider, I set up the server myself with an old pc I had lying around, and the way I fixed it was to simply join the server from direct connect with the local ip address, because other people could join the server, not but not me.

Interesting! Glad you figured it out.