Hi all!
The BeamMP dev team have been working tirelessly these past weeks to get out an amazing update!
As per-usual, early access members have had first dibs on the client and stress tested both Windows and Linux server; So far nothing major, but expect small fixes throughout the weeks.
So, what’s new?
- Gears now sync pretty much flawlessly (the manual mode of DCT transmissions is a grey area though)
- PERFORMANCE! Yes, there should be a modest improvement in performance, we hope you can now play with your friends with more FPS than ever before
- Server support for… LINUX :o Linux servers now run with super stable results, just as you’d expect from the windows servers.
- Per-player server ping
- Many bug fixes!
- Camera no longer tabs to vehicles that just synced a config
- Buttons no longer get ‘stuck’ on (people no longer honk 24/7 if they click at the wrong time)
- Invisible players should be a thing of the past … hopefully they wont come back to haunt us…
There have been lots of smaller fixes that will be described in more detail in the ‘Change-Log’, this is just a quick rundown.
We hope for a full public release once we’re satisfied no horrendous bugs are lurking in the shaddows, which will hopefully be really soon (hopefully by tonight). We hope that you enjoy the many bug fixes and speed optimisations!! :the_horns: