BSports Bangers (Thursday Event)

Join Us For The BSports: Banger Series! :tada:

This 14-week banger series will be hosted by RandomMinds with the RandomMinds Race Manager (RM²). Expect races, derbies, and a lot of carnage!

  • Saturday events will take place with 15 drivers per split.
  • Thursday events will be capped at 7 per split.

:clipboard: Sign up by clicking the “Going” button on this event for your preferred date and time and join the event’s stage during the event for driver instructions.

:video_camera: Trailer: BSports Bangers

In this 14 week long event, players will battle it out on the dirt, in the arena, over asphalt, through figure 8s and much more to climb the leaderboards! Listen to the sounds of old beaters as they take on the arena or track. With custom code server sided to track player lap times for qualifying and position for racing, points are rewarded to players based on performance. In these races not only is rubbing racing, but bumping and spinning other players is encouraged.

Due to inclusion and to allow for players with lower end PCs, our events will have a player limit based on the running day:

Saturday events will have a player limit of 15 drivers per qualifying session or split
Thursday events will have a player limit of 7 drivers per qualifying session or split

Our races will all follow the same structure to keep things consistent and straight forward.

Qualifying Procedure

1. Event Presentation:

  • All participants are required to join the BeamMP Stage on Discord for the event briefing. RandomMinds will present the event rules, structure, mod functionality, and processes. This presentation will cover all the details provided in this forum post.

2. Server Assignment:

  • After the presentation, RandomMinds will move to the BeamMP Qualifying Stage in Discord. Participants will remain in the BeamMP Stage, and server details will be posted in the BeamMP Stage chat.
  • Server connections will be handled on a first come, first serve basis. Once connected to a server, participants must immediately move to the BeamMP Qualifying Stage.
  • If you cannot connect to a server due to capacity limits, stay in the BeamMP Stage and monitor updates via the YouTube or Twitch streams. Qualifying will continue until all players have had a chance or the qualifying time has expired.

3. Pre-Qualifying Setup (10 minutes):

  • Upon entering the qualifying server, participants have 10 minutes to:

    • Join the server.
    • Download necessary mods.
    • Set their unique vehicle colors in the Race Manager GUI.
  • Setting Custom Colors: Request vehicle spawn permissions in the game server chat so RandomMinds or DerpehKitteh can grant access to the vehicle selector. Use the Vehicle Config → Color menu to set any 3 unique colors.

    • Save these colors in the Race Manager GUI by left-clicking your name and selecting Save Colors. The colors will automatically apply when spawning vehicles, and your primary color will display next to your name in the list.

4. Vehicle Selection and Practice (5 minutes):

  • After the 10-minute setup, RandomMinds and DerpehKitteh will confirm all permissions and saved colors.
  • The track will then be loaded, and participants will be given 5 minutes to:
    • Choose their vehicles using the Race Manager GUI’s Choose Vehicle button.
    • Practice and verify their vehicle selection, or change the vehicle if necessary.

5. Qualifying Session (5 minutes):

  • After the 5-minute practice, all drivers will be placed on the grid for a 5-minute qualifying session.
    • If you mess up during a lap, left-click your name in the Race Manager GUI and select Grid Up to reset back to the grid.
    • Use the Recycle Button (top left of the Race Manager GUI) to reset your lap to the first checkpoint and try again.
    • Off-track penalties will automatically invalidate your lap, and checkpoints will reset accordingly.

6. Completion and Repeats:

  • Once the qualifying session ends, RandomMinds and DerpehKitteh will accept the results, and participants will be removed from the server.
  • Participants should remain in the BeamMP Qualifying Stage for further instructions.
  • Players still in the BeamMP Stage will receive updates from the YouTube or Twitch streams about when they can join the next qualifying session. Steps 2-6 will repeat until all participants have qualified.

Racing Procedure

1. Post-Qualifying Split Assignments:

  • After qualifying, all participants will be sorted based on their times, from fastest to slowest.

  • Players will be divided into splits:

    • 15 drivers max for Saturday races.
    • 7 drivers max for Thursday races.
  • All participants will be instructed to move to the BeamMP Stage, where the racing will commence.

  • Late arrivals will be added to the last split if space is available. Latecomers must provide their BeamMP Username (as displayed in-game).

2. Split and Server Assignments:

  • RandomMinds will call out the BeamMP Usernames for each split, and DerpehKitteh will post the names and assigned server in the BeamMP Stage chat.
  • Once your name is announced and listed in chat, it is your responsibility to join the correct server promptly.

3. Race Setup:

  • Once RandomMinds enters the server, drivers will be placed on the grid, and the track will be loaded.
  • All participants must choose the same vehicle they used in qualifying by selecting the blue Choose Vehicle button in the Race Manager GUI.

4. Gridding and Race Start:

  • RandomMinds will verify grid positions, ensure everything is in order, and then start the race.

5. Post-Race Process:

  • After the race is completed (when all drivers have finished or DNF’d), results will be finalized.
  • Players will be asked to leave the server to make room for the next split. Any players who remain will be automatically kicked to ensure smooth transitions between splits.
  • Steps 2-4 will be repeated until all splits have completed their races.

6. Final Results and Standings:

  • After the last split has finished, RandomMinds will reveal the results for the night and update the season-to-date points and standings.
  • This will be broadcast via YouTube, Twitch, and the BeamMP Stage Stream.


  1. Players will NOT be allowed to change their vehicle after registration.
  2. Players MUST follow the BeamMP Terms of Service
  3. Players MUST follow the Discord Terms of Service
  4. Players agree they will maintain proper sportsmanship throughout the running/participation of the event.
  5. Players understand this is not a team based event and will not form alliances for any means/gains.
  6. Players understand they will NOT drive backwards on race events unless the track is designed to do so.
  7. Players understand that misconduct will not be permitted: Insulting another player, Racial slurs, Derogatory terms, Sexual Conduct, External Advertising, Soliciting
  8. Players MUST agree to uphold the event’s defined meaning and to encourage others to do the same or they may be removed from the event for any reason defined in this event’s regulations/rules in order for us to protect our community members and event integrity.