Can't log into game

When i try to log in with my email or username the game tries to log in infinitely but can still be used but i can play as a guest

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HTTPS read failed

Yeah I’m having the same problem… Have gotten any answer yet?

Here are a couple solutions you can try

  • Allow BeamMP on any to all antivirus software on your PC
  • Allow BeamMP through windows firewall (see details below)
  1. Search “Allow an app through windows firewall”
  2. Click “Change Settings”
  3. Scroll down to find “BeamMP-Launcher.exe” - if it is not there click “allow another app” and navigate to the BeamMP launcher file
  4. Click “Ok”
  5. Close BeamNG & BeamMP Launcher
  6. Try launching BeamMP again

i have the problem to