Cant use multiple cars on multiplayer

ive tried spawning multiple cars/trucks or tried getting a trailer and it doesn’t span

In BeamMP servers, you’re only allowed to have one vehicle or in some servers, you can have two vehicles (if you want like a Gavril T-Series and trailer, that’s perfect for two vehicle servers.

So how do you make severs to use multiple vehicles?

Hi, the number of vehicles allowed per server are set by the server owner. Most of the official Beam MP servers are single vehicle only as with 10 players a two vehicle limit would mean there could be 20 active vehicles per session.

Some official servers do allow 2 vehicles and the ones that do will say so in the title and drop down information on the public server listing. The other option would be to use any unofficial server that may allow a higher limit, but do keep in mind that BeamMP staff only moderate and offer support for official servers.

It would be my personal recommendation that you stick with official servers, but if you decide not to you should look for a server that has an established community and support staff for the best experience.

If you would like to make your own server to have full control of these settings you can go to Server Hosting - BeamMP and have a look at our partnered server providers to purchase a server to use with your friends. You can also get server keys from joining the Patreon so you can host your own servers, though, this option will require some programming knowledge.

I hope this helps!