Disable automatic mod download option

I’m suprised that this feature hasn’t been implemented since years on BeamMP, so here’s my request:
When I just want to play on a custom map with friends, it would be more convenient and faster to download only the map mod. But instead of that we’re forced to download all mods from the server (often more than 100, and sometimes with other maps included that the server therefore doesn’t use) and then wait several tens of minutes to finally join the server.
It would be more interesting to have a list where we only check the mods that we need. Of course, a warning before accessing this list should be added, as some servers require essential mods to work, and unchecking them could break the gameplay experience.
Hoping you’ll work on my request, have a nice day.

The best thing to do is to remove mods that you are not using, especially map mods. BeamNG Drive is not designed to run with that many mods and you are going to have multiple issues until you clear those out.

This feature has never been requested before but please feel free to work on/create it. Our code is open source and available on the GitHub. If you get it working and we see a good application for it on the platform we can add it to BeamMP and you’ll get credit as a contributor.

GitHub: GitHub - BeamMP/BeamMP: Bringing multiplayer to BeamNG.drive

Of course BeamNG is not designed to run 40 GB of modland mods in multiplayer, that’s why I don’t want to download them at all.
For many custom maps, I don’t want to spend 1 hour of my life downloading each time to join a server and end up lagging because of 100 useless mods installed on my PC.

I can see if the development team thinks something like this will work, but I don’t think it would. The server enforces consistency to every connected client because your games mods need to match the server to prevent game breaking glitches between players. Right now the only solution I can offer you for sure is to join servers will less mods, if you are playing with friends have them remove anything that is unneeded.

You can also clear BeamMPs mod folder to dump old files which may help.

Some servers have questionable mods like some contained codes that prevents the player from opening the console, is there any way(or planned feature) to block some mods from running on the client side upon joining a server?

That might cause desync and most likely wouldn’t align with the preferences of the server owner (like maybe they want to prevent cheating). The solution to your problem is to just not join sketchy servers.