He can run the game absolutely fine and use the MP servers but when i join him his game crashes almost instantly. He is ablle to play on other servers with other players but as soon as i join it crashes?
Any ideas whats causing this? I have uninstalled beammp cleaned file directory and reinstalled but same issue.
What happens when you join other community or official servers?
I’ve been able to join servers no problem, I have not noticed everyone suddenly leaving?
Are you both using the same network?
Curious, attempt to verify the integrity of BeamNG’s files.
We have both done that, we have also done a full uninstall of beammp including removing of any residue files.
When the game crashes does the CMD window log any errors?
Only that the game has stopped or something along those lines.
Can you replicate the crash and then send a screen shot of the CMD window?
No response from ticket holder for 7+ days after last reply.