Game crash when doing an action

So basically if I put first person : insta crash. Sometimes if I click something : insta crash. I host the server myself so I can play with friends but its basically unplayable. There is no mods or anything conflicting, I triple checked and even tho. Crashing, crashing and crashing over and over again…
If someones as any idea of what in the world is going, please help.
Thanks alot

It sounds like your BeamNG user folder is probably in pain and needs to be reset. Navigate to your 0.33 folder and rename it 0.33_bak then launch BeamNG Drive.

Upon launching BeamNG your game will download a new user folder, clearing any issues on the game side. While you are in BeamNG go into the repository and delete the “Multiplayer Mod” from your mods list.

Close BeamNG and launch BeamMP

The launcher will pull a new copy of BeamMP.

By taking these steps you will refresh your BeamNG and BeamMP clearing most errors that can cause this behavior. Please note that the first time you load into any map the game will lag because your game needs to recache the map resources.

Sorry didnt see the reply. So thanks it works. Is there any way I can import my previous graphic settings and controls ?

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I think you can pull them back out of the old folder, the one you labeled 0.33_bak, but I’m not sure how to install them to the game again.

The settings folder can be copied from 0.33_OLD → 0.33