How do I safely move BeamMP to another drive?

I realized BeamMP downloads and installs mods on my main drive even though BeamNG is on a separate games drive. How can I move everything to the same drive safely?

Hi ardeact

The mods will download wherever your user folder is, by default it will be in your C drive, if you want to move it to another drive, I would launch BeamMP or from steam. The white thing that shows up click support tools, and manage user folder, I would recommend you click on the open in file explorer or similar option first .Before moving it you want to probably save your vehicles and your settings.

After you have made a copy of your vehicles which includes your configs, go back in the white menu, support tools, manage user folder, move user folder, uncheck the box to move everything, select the drive you want it on, make a folder there by right clicking new folder, name it whatever you want, Then click the folder and hit ok.

Start beamng or BeamMP, launch the game once, dump your files we saved earlier in the respective folders on your other drive and you should be good.

Actually I mean the resources folder on Roaming/BeamMP-Launcher. This folder contains all the mods downloaded from servers and it can get pretty big. How can we move this?