I changed my Discord username but my beammp name is still Vetanenator.
Your in-game name is based on whatever BeamMP forums account you are signed into. If you wish to change your username, you can change your forum username.
I don’t know how to change forum username
How do you change your forum username?
Username changing is currently disabled due to ban evasion / report evasion.
We are working on a new way to allow player reporting so that we can reenable this for you.
Any updates on the name changing? It seems to be disabled still.
Good day! What’s the status on this?
I wish to raise awareness of many forum posts out there still pending a name change.
Thank you! <3
Can Someone please change my name to “Neonized”? If that is taken please try “Offical Neonized”?
That way it would match my discord username
I would also like to change my username. Any updates?
Hello all, We are currently still working on this (it is proving a little more complex than hoped).
In the meantime if you want to drop your desired username here and we will update them for you.
Help me… my username isn’t the best, can you change it to Midziak?
Hello can you change my name into dead. Thank you
This has been done for you now.
Please could you expand on this further.
Thank You Very Very Much!
Hello Can you please change my user to “Neonized”
This has been done for you.
I changed my Twitch name (rebranded) and I need my In game to be the same, As its confusing everyone. Thank you so much for all you guys do! Please make it AngledHavok
Thank you @Titch
This name was a mistake lol, could you please change my name to Mr.Bulldops
can i get my name changed to Jay_Z28 and if you cant use the _ just do it without please and thank you