How to change username?

Can my username be changed to Jerry_The_Racecar_Driver_4-4-2 alternate names if not taken or characters not allowed (most to least preffered): Jerry_The_Race_car_Driver_442, JerryTheRacecarDriver442, JerryIsARacecarDriver442. Thanks!

can u please change my name to fiberoptic_cable

Name changed to Packing_Luwucy

Name changed to ErdbeerBaum

Name changed to TylerAcers0

Sorry, this is not possible, all of the provided names exceed the number of maximum allowed characters (20).

Name changed to fiberoptic_cable, and I don’t know how that wasn’t already taken.

hi i would like to have my nickname reverted to my original one, afx420. im curious if that is possible :stuck_out_tongue:

can my username be changed to “Verplex”

Name changed to afx420

Name changed to Verplex.

Hey guys, just as a note, please reply to the thread rather than replying to any of the staff members we will get to your name change request on an “as we see them” basis. I struggle to fathom how many notifications Titch gets daily and having name change requests added to that probably isn’t fun. I tend to check this thread myself once or twice a day.

Hi, could you change my name to Malibu
Thanks a lot ^^

Sorry, this username is already in use.

could you change my name to ‘Burpy’, please

Name changed to Burpy

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Hello Is There Anyone that can change my user name to ItsLenny69 as thats same as discord and all my social platforms many thanks :slight_smile:

sorry for being undecisive and silly and clumsy but i changed my mind and want my nickname back to Linda420 thanks thanks thanks

hello! could you please change my forum username to cWhy?

Name changed to ItsLenny69