How to change username?

can you change mine to chubs

can i get a username change

'ello. Could you please change my name to Haubitzen Harold? Its the name i use on discord and ppl are always confused by XXIT…

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Hey :slight_smile: can you change my Username to Rise, if that isn’t available just add as many E’s as necessary, thanks

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If possible i would like my username to be changed to Daniel6499. If that name is not available then i would also be okay with Ballack6499

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hi could my used name be changed to Driver™ thank

I can’t do Driver™ because the system doesn’t allow it because of the ™.

That name is already taken, please pick another one

Same here, please pick another username, this one is already taken

And here, username is already in use

Hello!you can change my nickname to Ivan_Fujiwara

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okay what about redmoos210

There, It worked

Can you change my name to DoubleAbove? Ty

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can you change it to poe

Sorry but that username is already in use. Please pick another one

Can you change my name to Fancy Frost?
Or Fancy_Frost but I perfer Fancy Frost if it isn’t taken.

Hi @Kronki705 , been thinking on changing my nickname for a long time. Can i have it changed to “Takashi” ? If is too short it can be “Takashi_Tsu”.

No problem, I’ll change it right away.

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uh maybe change it to GarbageMan