How To Get Early Access Title In BeamMP

Did you see players in BeamMP servers with ‘Early Access’ in their name and wondered how they got that? Heres how:

  1. Go to the BeamMP Patreon
  2. Choose Any Amount From Membership Tab
  3. Click The Join Button
  4. Enter Your Payment Details
  5. Complete The Payment
  6. Your Done!
    Please note that it will take a few hours for the ‘Early Access’ to be in your name.
    Incase you cant find the BeamMP Patreon Here is a screenshot of what it looks like:

Also, this is NOT AI genterated, I typed It all myself.

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Additionally, there is also a video tutorial for this and an FAQ article with the other perks of EA.

Oh yea, I watched the video before but forgot it existed lol, my bad