I Can't Log Into BeamMP Master Post

i cant log in its telling me username or password is wrong yet i just reset the password and signed into the forums

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Please file a support ticket on the discord.

I can’t login, says “Attempting to log in”…I checked all firewall settings. I even disabled my anti-virus, but it still didn’t work.

hi guys my beammp account wont let me in im trying to figure it out by trying to log in

Please make a support ticket in our Discord server. @luk2

ive tried ok they ask me do screenshot the commador of beammp

wait, so you do got a Support Ticket open? if so what’s the tickets number

i closed it so theres no point no reopen it bc ill get a warning for that

No, please feel free to reopen your ticket, we’ll be happy to assist you. Asking for a screen shot of the launcher window is just so we can see if BeamMP is logging any errors. Errors can tell us a lot about why your client might not be working.

dang octo you replied fast and i did not realize