I Can't Log Into BeamMP Master Post

Alright everyone, I have some troubleshooting steps for you if you can’t log into BeamMP and if just gets stuck on “connecting” or “Logging in” please try all of these fixes before replying to this thread.

Cause 1: Incorrect Credentials

If you cannot log into BeamMP your credentials might be wrong. Attempt to log out of and then back into the forums using the same information. If you are unable to get back into the forums then it means you’ve been using the wrong information to get into the game. This happens to everyone, especially if you are using unique passwords. Simply recover and reset your password for BeamMP and the forums to log in.

Cause 2: The Firewall Issue

If you cannot see the BeamMP version number and the active members count in the bottom right corner of BeamMP that means that there is no connection between the launcher and the game. This can be caused by your firewall blocking traffic to and from BeamMP and the Launcher. Create an exception in your firewall for BeamMP related connections. "attempting to login" fix!

Cause 3: Conflicting Mods

Go into single player and make sure that BeamMP (the multiplayer mod) is the ONLY mod active before launching BeamMP. You can’t use client side mods in BeamMP anyway, so you might as well shut them down to prevent conflicts.

Cause 4: You’ve Unpacked the Mod

Beam MP is delivered as a ZIP file and it needs to remain that way, please do not unpack the BeamMP mod and try to install or run it, it will not function.

Cause 5: Launcher Errors/the CMD window

When BeamMP launches it will launch a CMD window, you know the one, black screen with lots of text? this window must remain open at all times while using BeamMP if you can’t log in see if this window has collected any errors and then check those errors against the Error Codes list on the Beam MP Docs found here: Error Codes - BeamMP Docs or seek help here on the forums. This code will narrow down the list of suspects greatly.

Cause 6: Pirated or Unsupported Software

BeamMP does not like pirated versions of BeamNG, we had one guy that submitted for the log in issue and he was running like BeamNG 0.17 or something. Buy the game properly, this could clear any number of issues.

Cause 7: Causes Out of Your Control

Sometimes the launcher just. . .has a bad day, or it decides it doesn’t like you, click the “Log out” button, relaunch BeamMP and then log in again. See if this simple fix clears the error.

If you find that none of this helps you please comment down below in this new master thread for this issue and someone from Support may be able to assist you.

Have a good yard,
PR/Mod/Forum Support

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after using you ways i still cant log in

Hello, do you have BeamNG installed in the default Steam pathway?

i am thinking that i got banned? when it doesnt work for mulitple days

yes i got beamng drive from steam i brought it

Hmmm, lemme see if I have anything on record for you.

There is no history in our moderation logs on the forums or Discord that indicate you’ve been banned. Verify your game files on steam and then get into single player. Delete the Multiplayer mod from your single player repository, then launch through the BeamMP launcher. The launcher will fetch a clean copy of BeamMP.

still not working

hey mate it still not working…

Standby, let me hook you up with a more senior support agent.

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Please tell me if the launcher reports any errors after you tried logging in.
Is BeamMP your only enabled mod?

Can you put this on the FAQ and delete the old post from there?

Indeed I can, just give me a few, I’m on a work PC right now so it’s a bit wonky on the forums.

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@Protogen_1 I’m going to pop this topic back open, ever since we moved it to the FAQ section we’ve been getting a lot of requests again. I think having it in the Support Area made it easier for people to find.

hi sorry for the extreme lateness yes it is the only enabled mod
not working since

Sadly i checked everything and it still doesnt want to let me connect, even after restarting.

Please file a support ticket on the official Discord for direct Support from the support team.

I deleted the mod in the repository and restarted in with admin rights, that did it for me. Hope it helps

please never launch any multiplayer games as administrator. if there is an undocumented exploit, your computer will be easily accessible, since the mods are not sandboxed.

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Hi, I am having problems after doing the above suggestions, BeamMP is still showing my account loggins as Trying to log in. Can you help? I had logged in a minute then got kicked out, I dont know what to do.

For anyone having the “attempting to login” issue, I’m working on a possible solution. If you want to help test it and possibly resolve your issue, please make a ticket in our discord server.