I cant play on servers, always get 0x00000001 error

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I’ve moved your post into the support area, but this is a BeamNG problem not a BeamMP problem.

While our community will still be able to help you with this issue you might get a faster reply on the BeamNG Fourms, their knowledge base is more BeamNG centric.

this is a generic error code and can mean anything. however, in my personal experience, most of the time the “0x00000001 error” has to do with inconsistent / corrupted CACHED vehicle or level files. this happens over long periods of time by simply playing. so if you dont clean your cache regularly - you get the error.

simply go to %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\BeamNG.drive\0.xx\temp\ and delete its contents (of the temp folder). this is what “deep clean cache” does. try connecting again! :+1:

likewise, for linux, it’s ~/.local/share/BeamNG.drive/0.34/temp