I got banned for driving on Hirochi raceway

I was constantly being rammed off track by people who can’t even corner, dudes were driving the wrong way, and I defend myself and get banned? Is this a joke? Is this game really this bad. Uninstalled

Your account is currently not banned, unless it was a different account.

Um, it’s very much banned, permanently banned for having a drive in my car. Ruined my day.

It’s gone, my account doesn’t exist. It says that I’ve been banned 3 times? What the hell kinda joke is this rigged?!

We don’t delete accounts, nor do we have an automated message that tells you how many times you’ve been banned.

What was the account name? Let me see if I can see what’s going on here.

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Bro I literally have the screenshot of it. TheBritishDriver.

The account that you are on right now talking to me with?

Ok so I looked into this case and there are several things you’ve stated that are incorrect and I need to set straight for the record.

  1. You were not banned for driving around Hirochi Raceway or Defending yourself as you claim. You were banned for extreme toxicity in chat. Pulling the chat log literally, without exaggeration, 90% of your messages are you telling people to kill themselves. This alone would have been enough to warrant an extended ban, but as it was your THIRD offense for the same violation you were instead permanently banned from official servers.

  2. Your account is still here, you are using it to talk to me so it hasn’t been deleted, you have simply lost access to the Official, BeamMP owned servers. You are more than welcome to play on any other servers listed on the public server listing but, due to your behavior, you are no longer welcome on the servers that we run.

Now onto your recent conduct here on the forums and on Discord. You may have noticed that you’ve lost access to the Discord Server. I had to enact a ban due to your threats and behavior on our chat channels which, I think, clearly demonstrates why you were banned from our server network in general. I suggest you learn how to behave in public spaces before you lose access to the entire platform, your behavior and demeanor are abhorrent and have no place on our community servers or infrastructure and if we receive one more report under your name I will ban your forum account barring access from BeamMP as a whole.

The hours that you have in the game mean nothing to us, having hours doesn’t mean that you get to threaten our community members, staff and infrastructure, spam messages on our Discord and harrass players.

I am banning your alternate accounts to prevent you from bypassing the server lock out.

You are more than welcome to appeal all of the bans and punishments you have collected at https://beammp.gg/appeal but I doubt, given your violations and the way you decided to handle them, that it would be approved.


Claims made by user inaccurate, referred to ban appeal.