I suddenly can't play BeamMP, and all BeamMP websites are not loading without VPN. Tried Discord Support - was left on read at one point

Hello, this is my first time using BeamMP forums, however this issue i’ll describe has been said over at BeamMP discord server but literally nothing helped at this point and i was left on read when asked a question.

Issue started somewhere in mid April, i don’t really remember when but it was around in April.

This issue is this - When i’m trying to open BeamMP Launcher, i get these messages in the command line:

“HTTP Get failed on Connection”
“HTTP Get failed on Connection”
“Primary Servers Offline! sorry for the inconvenience!”

and then the program closes. I thought that was a weird bug and i tried to open it again, got the same messages and it shut off again. Then i decided to reinstall BeamMP thinking it’s corrupted somehow. This is where the website issue comes in

As soon as i try to enter BeamMP’s main website, it keeps on loading and loading until i get hit with “Time Out” error message. As soon as i turned on VPN, it loaded the website and i was able to download the installer. And as i turned VPN off, it would refuse to load once again.

I took this to the BeamMP’s discord support forums and they told me to try using a DNS address “ /” (Google’s DNS) and that did worked… until it didn’t. The issue came back, however when i checked the DNS, it was the same, and i even tried to change it to “ /” and nothing helped.

This is when i decided to use a VPN program called “Proton VPN”, which i did used back then. BeamMP did worked with the Proton VPN and i was able to play on a server.

However i also have mates who use Radmin VPN (a LAN program, not a VPN) to host a private server for us to hang out in. I tried to connect to it with the Proton VPN on, and i get “Connection Failed!” message and console shows “Error Code: 10013”, which if i don’t mistake has something to do with the Firewall.

I once again came back to the discord support forums and i was told it was the issue with Radmin, however when i tried to ask how i could fix it so i can play on their Radmin / LAN server through Proton VPN i was simply left at read.

Couple notes:

  • Initially i was told it was some sort of ISP issue, however i don’t know how i can contact them nor did i even paid for the services, my parents did that, and no way they would understand my issue.

  • I live in Ukraine, and i did try to use other internet connections to see if it’s somehow got “geoblocked” or something, I used Vodaphone UA networks and the website loaded just fine without any VPN. However trying to use a phone as a modem for my PC is not ideal and is incredibly slow.

  • Tried to mess with the firewall settings to get rid of the “Error Code: 10013 / Connection Failed!” error when i’m trying to connect to a Radmin / LAN server through Proton VPN, and nothing helped. And of course nobody helped me with this over on Discord.

  • Back in December 2022 i had almost identical issue with BeamNG’s servers and websites, where it would refuse to load repository mods, and i had to use VPN to enter their website. Issue solved itself by Summer 2023 though.

I’m sorry for a huge pile of text, but i have to just describe the whole thing to get the idea where i’m at right now. My friends are pretty mad about the fact i can’t play with them, and so do i.


Can’t you use just two VPN’s, or can you use only one?

I use Opera’s built in VPN to visit sites which i can’t load for whatever reasons. If i use Proton though i can use it with both the web browser and BeamMP. It’s just the fact i can’t connect to a Radmin server with Proton VPN on.

Is it just the computer acting weird, or did this issue just start happening?

Computer’s completely fine. Nothing has to do with the computer itself.

Well, if your friends have Radmin VPN, and you have Proton, can’t you just switch to the Radmin VPN?

Radmin VPN is not a VPN, it’s a virtual LAN program.

Can’t you switch to the Radmin LAN program then (if you use a LAN program or use different LAN Program)?

at this point i don’t know what you’re saying.

You said that Radmin was a virtual LAN program, so I’m saying can you use that LAN program so you can play with your friends in the private BeamMP Server?

Mate, what i’m trying to say is that when i’m trying to use BeamMP with Proton VPN connected to a VPN server, i can connect to a server that’s not a LAN / Radmin VPN hosted, but when i try to connect to a LAN / Radmin VPN server, then it just can’t connect, and it simply gives me 10013 error code.

Then I guess I don’t know what to do to help you, man. At least I tried.

From what I am seeing the issue lays with your ISP, in order to take further steps to resolve what you are experiencing you are going to need to figure out how to contact them and utilize what support and resources they have available. There is nothing further that can be done from BeamMP’s side or yours, you’ve quite literally done everything we normally recommend, but the fact that you can connect and load with a VPN indicates that your ISP is blocking traffic to BeamMP’s services. That is not something we can circumvent for you.

I did manage to find the website for my ISP and they have contacts on it. Mostly phone numbers which i won’t use, however they do have an email which i can send a mail to. I’ll see if i can do anything with it.

I have just emailed them, i’ll have to wait for tomorrow most likely.

Good luck hope to see you in game!

Got a response, they will check it on monday and see what’s going on so that they’ll tell me if it’s on my end or their end.

So it’s been like 5 - 6 days since i sent them an email and got a response from them that they would look into it, and nothing has changed. The website still doesn’t loads, and BeamMP Launcher doesn’t works. They didn’t told me if it’s an issue on my side or their side. Nothing.

So I’ve dug deeper into this message, the 10013 error code is normally something we see with firewall issues, it populates when a needed port for connections is blocked or unavailable. I can only assume that this means that Proton VPN or Radmin are occupying or otherwise disabling ports that Beam MP needs to run which would cause 10013.

The only fixes I can offer are as follows

-Run the server without Proton VPN


-Do not use Radmin based servers

Since BeamMP is functioning normally in some instances it indicates that your client is installed and operating correctly, our normal BeamMP trouble shooting steps won’t help, but you can try them. They pretty much amount to uninstalling, reinstalling and resetting your user folder.

-Delete Beam MP from the repository in single player

-Launch Beam MP from the desktop to install a new, clean copy of the multiplayer mod.

If that doesn’t work

-Find your 0.32 folder

-Rename it 0.32_bak

-Launch Beam NG

This will clean out your user folder and give you a fresh copy of that. Once both steps are completed you should have an out of the box copy of both BeamMP and BeamNG, and that should solve many problems both on the side of the game and the mod itself, but, I don’t think that your case is either issue.

I don’t host a server over Radmin myself though. My friend is, and trying to connect to him using a his Radmin VPN IP and trying to connect with Proton VPN on just doesn’t works.

I better wait for ISP to just respond sometime later regarding the issue, because i really hate using Proton VPN to play BeamMP, let alone try to connect to my friend’s server.

I won’t even try any of that because at the end of it it’ll still not work, it’s an ISP issue.