Internet extremely slow when beamng running (FIXED)

I was just playing beamng and when i tried joining a server i diddnt get more then 0.20 Mb per second but as soon as i closed the game i got 600 Mb per second. something with beamng is making my internet not work and i dont know how to fix it. can anyone help me?

Your traffic is being throttled, this is not something we can assist with. You’ll have to talk to your ISP to see why heavy usage is being reduced on your network. There might be something in your plan that is causing them to limit usage when you pull too much information.

it could also be caused by QOS on the router. it tries to keep latency as low as possible when it detects gaming so bandwith suffers. check your router settings first before contacting your ISP about it - it might be on their end too as Octopus said.

My router is doing all ok. its first when beam is launched. even in the launch menu where i choose between normal or vulkan my internet slows down massivly, but if i close it it goes right back to 600 mb. how do i fix this?

After some trouble looking i found out what it was. No need for any help!

would you mind sharing with us what it was?