Kawasaki Ban appeal

Post was edited inappropriately by original poster since the topic was locked. OP has been banned from BeamMP platform.

-Mod Staff-

Your appeal will be dismissed.
Your behaviour is NOT welcomed in any sort of way. We have solid proof of you breaking multiple rules of our server and Discords ToS, this includes a DM screenshot of you sending the other persons address, as well as logs of a conversation in the media channel where you brought up furries and the ■■■■■■■ rates, pretty much making fun of it considering the unreasonable beef you had with someone else. You then also made an alt account right after you banned which is yet another violation of our rules and a permanent ban.
Any further appeal will be dismissed and any further alt account will be banned from the Discord server.
Have a good day,


Being that Razor is directly mentioned in this complaint I wanted to add, for anyone looking in on this thread, that I also conducted an investigation and came to the same conclusion. I agree that the appeal should and will be denied. Any further appeal will be dismissed and any further alt account will be banned from the Discord server.

Razor is a tenured and trusted member of the moderation team and their actions have never been without merit or just cause.


As another moderator who witnessed the situation unfold, I too, agree and have come to the same conclusion. To further add, the user also created at least one alt account in attempt to evade the ban and further inflame the situation.

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