Lack of Multiplayer Standards

I have been playing BeamMP consistently for about 2 years about now. The one thing that has also consistently been observed by me and others unrelated that also play BeamMP, is the lack of standards in people’s conduct online using this service.

I understand it can be “fun” to just to what you want but this isn’t singleplayer. Read the room. Nobody likes to consider that maybe there are people online genuinely driving and not really finding it okay to have to stop what they’re doing, tab to your car, and remove you because you want to be a goofball, and it’s encouraged when the moderators use the dismissive excuse of “they aren’t breaking the rules so just remove them”. I’m sorry what?

What that tells me is that you guys care more about chat moderation and kicking others for fun and believing you did a good job, rather than listening to real issues people have. Not like most of the populous that plays this even understands how some things are a problem (and I know that because I spoke to them)

There is a severe lack of even the most basic standards of online play, lack of moderation, AND the people that started this whole post from me are protected doing what they do. Not a good look. I’m not the only one, I just happen to know how to and took the steps to make it more known. Not even in minecraft servers have I encountered such a horrendous populous.

Furthermore, the guest system promotes this behavior as well, since now the people are ANONYMOUS and are able to interact physically the exact same way. (and can actually cause another issue that I won’t get into).

Nobody seems to wanna talk about it because to me it seems like you guys have exactly the kind of people you’re looking for (which is strange to me), hence zero effort being made to improve the system.

Unfortunately, we get this issue pop up quite often. If we suspended everyone who crashed into someone else we’d be left with one person online and a very overworked moderation team. We don’t have the numbers to take action on every ticket that would come through. You have a few options available to you here:

  1. Delete other players you feel are causing an issue
  2. Start your own server, complete with your own rules
  3. Play in single-player

We moderate chats and player usernames more because of the kind of content that can be displayed using them, I don’t know about you, but if I had a child I’d rather them be crashed into when they didn’t want it than be exposed to racial/sexual slurs or content at a young age.

Hi iFoneProMaxPlusUltra,

First, welcome to the forum. Feedback like this is important, so I’m writing here to make sure it’s clear that feedback is being heard.

I agree with your argument that moderation is problematic. We’ve been working on this, and we’re not even close to done.

Recently, we introduced a moderation plugin that lets our moderators kick and ban across servers without being on the server. Currently in development are various features for helping players moderate their sessions, such as the option to easily “hide” other players (no tab+delete needed, rejoin doesn’t break it, etc.). We’re also working on various features to let users moderate what they see in game, and we are working on tracking down guest account abuse. The idea to just remove guests has been discussed for hours on end, and will likely not happen anytime soon, but is certainly an option if nothing else works out.

I’m going off the wonderful HN rule of “respond to the strongest plausible interpretation of what someone says, not a weaker one that’s easier to criticize, and assume good faith”, so when you say

you guys care more about chat moderation and kicking others for fun

I’m assuming you’re talking about instances where people are kicked from official servers, or banned from official servers, for violating rules, but particularly in mild or unfair cases? If you or anyone observes moderation behavior that is problematic, please report it to us. You can do so easily on discord or via DM to one of the admins on this forum.

That all said, I want to emphasize that this project is open source, and driven by the community. Anyone can add features to our code on GitHub, for example to help add more moderation features (like vote kicks, for example). We’re all volunteers, and you, and anyone who wants to, is free to apply to join the team here or help on the coding side on the GitHub linked earlier.

Further, we try to make this information public, for example in our 2024 Statement:, and we’re trying to communicate more.

Thanks for your feedback, and I hope this gave some insight into what we’re doing to fix these problems. I’m also always open to chat if anyone shoots me a DM, here or on Discord.


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At least I know now that there is a system being worked on. That isn’t what I was being told the last times I brought up the issue. I just wanted to really make sure people are actually aware of this, because it seemed like nobody cared (literally).

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have you created server? i have big need of a server that have rules.