Launcher closes with Version is up to date in console


Launcher only launch briefly with Launcher Version is up to date in the console and then close


  1. Please make sure you have a legitimate copy of BeamNG.Drive installed.
  2. If you have any antivirus apart from windows defender please either disable it or allow BeamMP through it.
  3. Verify game files through steam.
  4. If you have reinstalled BeamNG.Drive recently please launch single player and when you get to the menu you can close your game and try launching BeamMP.
  5. If none of the fixes above work the issue might be unsolvable

Credit to @1eo for the solution


Is there any other way to fix this


I had this same problem, was able to fix it by just updating BeamNG

i have yhe last version, but it says to update

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Since there’s no answer on this post I’ll provide one that works.

  • Launch without the BeamMP Launcher.

  • Remove the BeamMP Launcher directory and reinstall it from the official website.

    rd /s /q %APPDATA%\BeamMP-Launcher

You can get the installer from here: