While launching, it says that it doesn’t find the way to the file “integrity.json”, but this one is complely here… Why it does that thing, and how do we fix it (PS : I already tried to reinstall BeamMP, Beamng, but nothing changed)
Hi, ok, so is this the Steam version of the game or the Epic Games install?
Steam version, the latest, ofc
Ok so the first step is always to verify your game files with steam, if that doesn’t work use the deep cache cleaning in the BeamNG Support options from the BeamNG Launcher.
I just reinstalled the entire game right before, so i don’t think i lost some files during the process.
Sometimes it happens, or, even if you have integrity.json it might have been downloaded incorrectly and corrupted itself.
Well, what im gonna do, is i will talk to my brother to see if with 1 or 2 actions, we solve the problem, if not, he will certainly reply here with his account…
Thanks Tho.