Lua error please help

I tried playing multiplayer but why I got to multiplayer iget this message

" Fatal Lua Error string

“lua/ge/extensions/MPCoreNet work.lua”:578: attempt to call a nil value ==

Stack Traceback >> START >>

(1) C function 'function:

0x029910261a28’ (2) Lua local

‘func’ at line 578 of chunk lua/ge/extensions/MPCoreNet

work.lua’ dt = number:

0.0167502 received = string700/2034873:

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““Freeroam”, “version”: “3.4.1”.” cversion":“2.0”, “owner”.“barry_ mckock1 ner#O”, “sdes”."This

powerful server is hosted on Snakecraft Hosting. Plans start at

$.25/month!", “ident”.“dAfc3”, "j

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LUA errors can be ignored, your game should still function normally.

Currently having the same issue as of right now. It makes it so I cannot join any servers at all, like they are not in the list after the fatal lua error. You can see the error attached in this screenshot:

and it doesn’t end up loading the server lists.

the point of pop ups is so that you look at them. see what it says right there? this particular one says that you are attempting to pass the mod consistency/integrity check with quite a lot of… interesting mods (and we all sincerely hope that you didnt catch a cryptominer by doing that) that shouldnt be there. yes, beammp doesnt allow you to “sneak” in any mods, because that would be useless as no one would be able to see them anyway, just like in garrys mod no one sees your client side addons, right. but if you still want to, you’re gonna have to google, it will eventually require you to tinker with the console to code a little lua script to bypass this mod check, so if you are afraid of anything that resembles linux - dont even try. for now though, disable all mods that you have and enable just the beammp multiplayer mod, restart the game. it should have done that automatically, but yeah.

though, despite the age of your account, i assume this is something new for you. well, in a rare case when one isnt paying attention to where does all of this downloaded junk piles up at, you will have to clear your Resources folder where the beamMP folder is:

press Win+R, type appdata

go to


and just wipe it

but in an even more obscure case when someone doesnt know how to install mods and dropped them into the base game folder, you will have to reinstall your game completely.

or, consider even this. just ignore it. if your error doesnt fit none of the above, most likely than not your error can be safely ignored. at the moment beamng’s mod loader is far from perfect and will show false negative errors when in fact you’re good to go. next time, as with all software that you install on the computer, please read the FAQ first. this question has been asked a thousand times

A lot of those I do not have on my system, it’s trying to load from servers and something is breaking it. I also inspect every mod I install.

The crux of the issue is that you need to disable all of your mods except for the Multiplayer Mod. BeamMP will not function properly if you have other active mods.

There is also no reason to have other active mods because you can’t use mods on multiplayer servers unless the server owner has installed them to the server itself. Clientside installs don’t influence multiplayer gameplay.

So please disable all mods except for the Multiplayer mod and then try to load in.

Alright, that screenshot was with everything disabled besides beammp stuff. Tried to load in and got this. (attached are two screenshots)

also before this they all were disabled

My guy, with 305 mods installed to your game your file structure is probably in shambles. Active or not that many modified files is going to negatively influence BeamMP and BeamNG Drive.

Here’s what you do

  1. hit WIN+R
  2. Switch to LOCAL at the top
  3. Find BeamNG
  4. Find your 0.33 Folder
  5. Rename it 0.33_bak
  6. Go into BeamNG Drive
  7. Delete the Multiplayer Mod
  8. Launch BeamMP from the Launcher

This will refresh your user folder returning your game to vanilla and pull the most recent/clean version of BeamMP while keeping all your mods and everything else safe in the 0.33_bak folder.

If the Multiplayer Mod works as intended in this “Vanilla” state it means that the issue is the number of mods you are using, which, at this point I expect is the case. You can restore your mods by deleting the 0.33 file again and then renaming 0.33_bak to 0.33, however you should never have this many mods installed simultaniously.

Will this keep my settings intact?

No, but your settings will be in the 0.33_bak folder. You are effectively burning the game down and rebuilding it.

still having the problem, i recorded it so im gonna upload it to youtube so someone can see. if youd like ill send the link to you so you can see.

(after following the steps you gave)

Those steps literally should have fixed anything, welp, it’s time to call in the big boys. Give me a moment to bring this to the attention of the part of the support team that is smarter than me.

Thank you for the help

For sure! :grin:I’ve forwarded this thread to the support team at large

Cool thanks mate have a good one

once again, please read carefully what the error popup says. this server (Ashmaker) you are trying to join is whitelisted. you will not be able to join unless you gain permission in their discord. yes, there is no other way to tell you this except in this scary error form.

I wasn’t trying to join. I have a video if you’d like and it shows the error happening.

I understand how this error might have lead to some confusion but all it is is server data. This error is mostly harmless and in the worst case you’ll need to press refresh a couple of times.

yeah thats what i was thinking, about the server stuff. thanks for the help!

P.S. my issue was fixed, the answer above should help you out if you experience a similar error ^^