Multiplayer tab wont load

I tried multiple forum pages and none of them worked. I realized at the final , after trying re installing around 5 times, that the multiplayer folder inside of the 0.34 folder is empty. Maybe that helps. I tried seeing if the repository has something, I even reinstalled beamng. I don’t know what’s wrong.

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Can you please post a picture of your main menu

Hmmm, yeah, it looks like it’s a BeamMP issue this time. You are launching from the BeamMP launcher not from BeamNG?

yes, indeed I am using the BeamMP launcher from the AppData, not the Steam Beammng

also, I have this problem for like 5 months since the last time I played the multiplayer

You have BeamNG installed from the BeamNG Repository and enabled? It should be called “MultiplayerMod”

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I do not have the MultiplayerMod installed, I have tried multiple times to see if it’s there but it isn’t.

It just isn’t there. //////////////

Try this launcher, it worked for me. thanks to @WiserTixx
Enable/Disable Mods in Beamng

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no way, i need staff confirmation for that

You need to get it from the BeamNG Repository in game

oh really? thanks so much. ill reply so say if it worked

Oh no, this is wrong, use that thing DJ posted

okay ;./l;/l;/l;//;ll;/l/;

It doesn’t work at all. Neither BeamNG or BeamMP have the Multiplayer Mod. I tried enabling and disabling mods too.I also installed the beammp launcher. exe . I wonder why it doesn’t work

I’m not sure, I just wiped both BeamMP and BeamNG from my PC completely and reinstalled both and it works.

You should file a support ticket on the Discord for more direct help

I will. thanks for responding.

Wait, one last check, is this a copy of the game saved along the default save pathway set by Steam?

i got the same thing to