Nickel moderation plugin (1.0.2)

Sorry for the late reply ! And yes its planned ! Maybe with a simple command first and then with an interface like cei ! I dont know how to make interface now but i will learn ! (its my second account forgotten to switch sorry lol)

Nickel 2.0.0 is now available with a plethora of new features, including permission levels, whitelisting, private messaging, tempmute and tempban commands, as well as a “say” command to broadcast messages to all players. All the commands is also available for use in the server console. Check out the readme on our Github page to see the full list of commands.

Here the 2.0.0 :
Release 2.0.0 BIG MAJOR UPDATE · boubouleuh/Nickel-BeamMP-Plugin · GitHub

■■■■ i wish i had ppl up in my server so much i needed to manage it haaaaa