Register an account to play multiplayer

When i press Register Nothing happen
I need help

As it has been said in here before, you do not need to registerā€¦

Youā€™ve registered by posting here ON THIS ACCOUNT.

for me it says attempting to logging for the past few mins

same for me it just says attempting to login or smthing

Same, like whyy

Not sure but I canā€™t log in to get an AuthKey for a server

So Iā€™m registered but when I type in my correct credentials in BeamMP it freezes and shows the message ā€œAttempting to log inā€¦ā€ was there something I did wrong here?

Iā€™d say I get my way with computers and wasnā€™t convinced when I only found a register page which seemed to be for the forums ( Iā€™ve been sites that have different accounts for -main service- and forum. Only when I read this I understood

Hi there, Indeed we do use the same account in-game as we do for the forum.

I need to find the time to go through the login process in-game and make it have better / more helpful error messages really.

hi, yes please cant login either despite its the right login password

same for me its not working

same idk why its not working

I forgot my name and password. Is there any way I could reset this?

tsg noriu pasizet nicka

i finally got a acount

Please create a new support post for your issue. Please include a screenshot of your error too.

i cant log into my acc even with right email and pass or username and pass

What does it say exactly?

sorry but seeing all the replyā€™s and comments in regarding not being able to sign up due to the malfunction of the register button not working and also because i as well had issues tells me that not all these ā€œSome people just do not understand computer things very wellā€ because i to am just learning the mods and other things myself but i am definitely no to stupid to know or understand that in most cases when left clicking a tile or button on a site or game or whatever it may be if nothing happens at all its just a dead click including the discord and other non functional options on the side donā€™t redirect you to a new page or website your sort of left with a big fat ? above your head but thankfully i know some computer things and how to outsource and also try other links to find things but seems your a developer id think rather than leaving / replying to some other smug know it allā€™s degrading comment insulting ones confusion more so the lack of computer skills or knowledge of you would be more helpful on appointing us in the right direction or giving some better in depth instructions or links where we could get some instructions that are up to date. remember you at one time did did not understand computer things very well nether and probably just wanted to join in on the fun and found a roll model so how about play your roll and maybe start developing some intellectually structural and respectful people skills !!THANKS!!

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oi this where i register?