Hello everyone! If you are having the issues described above, so was I until I found (hopefully) the solution that should apply for everyone.
Assumably, you have set up the server so that your friends can join, but their HUD says players ? and ping ? or their movement is not synced, i.e. their driving on a highway on their screen but staying stagnant or crashing into walls on your side. Review the following checklist if that is happening to you:
(just quickly, this is for windows, I don’t know how to fix this for any other operating system just cause thats what I have)
Did you set up both a udc and tcp inbound rule and outbound rule in the windows defender firewall? If not, watch the following video at about the 6 minute mark.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXn_x3ijq0A&t=59s -
If you have and you’re still having issues like I was, the issue must be in the port forwarding. When I originally set up the port forwarding, I hadn’t taken caution in checking which protocol was being used in the port forwarding. Be sure to check if it is both TCP AND UDP and hopefully that will solve the issue. That is what solved the issue for me. If you dont know what port forwarding is, setting it up is generally router specific. Don’t worry, its not difficult, just look up “how to set up port forwarding on (your router)” The port number is the same one as everything else.
If none of those worked, honestly idk–im not a dev or anything, just a user that figured out I forget a simple thing.
If you have any more problems, that is the extent of my help, so probably just ask someone else
Thanks, hopes this solves your problem, and happy troubleshooting!