Status of BeamMP - Client side event triggering

Hello … regarding mod (scenario) scripting, is the functionality where server script can issue triggers for the client, such as …

MP.TriggerClientEvent(pid, “{my trigger name”, data)

Is this supposed to be functioning as of latest version on this date (July 2024) ?

I’d just like some verification that this is a functioning ability so I don’t continue wasting my time trying to get my code to work. I know this was working in the past but it seems maybe like it was disable in recent version release???

Thanks for any clarifications.

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So I’ve determined that the trigger client events from server side functionality is indeed working; apologies, my bad for not digging enough. The “Transporter” mod is actually a wealth coding examples, and it proves the whole server ↔ client communication/triggering in mod scripts is operating.


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