Stuck on attempting to log in, Checked password, email and username everything was correct

Stuck on attempting to log in, I can log onto the forum with the same password/username/email but in game it is stuck on attempting to log in. Anyone else having the same problem? If you solved it pls let me know how. Thanks!

да у меня тоже такая проблема, но я не могу её решить(

I found the solution, so when you launch beam-mp just dont close the launcher that pops up. Im talking about the black command prompt. And then it works! I have also translated for u.

Я нашел решение, так что при запуске beam-mp просто не закрывайте всплывающую пусковую установку. Я говорю о черной командной строке. И тогда все работает! Я также перевел для вас.


Same issue here

I have the same problem

To all having this issue, of course make sure the launcher CMD window is still open, then click the ‘Logout’ button (even though you are not logged in), and then try logging in again.