Unable to run Ubuntu install despite lua5.3 being installed

I get this error when trying to run the server on a Ubuntu-based server, despite the fact that lua5.3 is installed.
./BeamMP-Server.debian.11.x86_64: error while loading shared libraries: liblua5.3.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Been trying to figure this out for the past hour. Am I missing something?

Have you tried the ubuntu server build?

Oop I thought BeamMP-Server.debian.11.x86_64 is the Ubuntu build, this is my first time ever trying to host a server lol :sweat_smile: if it’s not where can I find the Ubuntu build?

Just below the debian build :smile:

Sorry for my spaced out replies, busy times. I tried the correct version this time :sweat_smile: but unfortunately still get the same error.

output of
lua -v

(re)install (again) with
sudo apt install lua5.3 liblua5.3-dev

problem w library dependency versions…

output of
find / -iname '*lua*so' 2>/dev/null

btw these are not included with any of the beamMP linux binaries, so you ARE missing something…

symlink liblua5.3.so.0 to beamMP launcher / server directory

lua -v returns Lua 5.3.4 Copyright (C) 1994-2017 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
As for installing Error: Unable to find a match: lua5.3 liblua5.3-dev
I remember trying every variant of install lua... under the sun, and every single one returned this error, I think I ended up using wget to download it and install it that way.
find / -iname '*lua*so' 2>/dev/null returns /usr/lib64/liblua-5.3.so
As for the last part, I’m not totally sure how to do that as I am a noob with Ubuntu/Bash. Admittedly the only reason I didn’t chose a Windows-based server is because I already had this Ubuntu-based server laying around lol

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
and try again (separately?)
sudo apt install lua5.3
sudo apt install liblua5.3-dev

ugh, i dont have ubuntu at hand. so it looks like im gonna have to be NASA and you’re gonna be a marsian rover receiving instructions 10 hours later…

i dont think these packages require any PPA’s or anything, they should just work…
at least that’s what it says here

but uhm, yeah, wget’ing was a bad idea. now your $HOME is probably ■■■■■■…

oh, i just realised!


are two different things, one is for 32 bit, other is for 64 bit,
and you’ve possibly mixed them up. possibly. because my lua sits here:

❯ find / -iname '*lua*so' 2>/dev/null

see? it’s in /usr/lib/ not in /usr/lib64/
(but maybe thats just how it works anywhere else other than ubuntu and/or vice versa…)

basically we have to figure out how to make it not do the Error: Unable to find a match and i just dont have enough experience with canonical’s idea of linux (all my homies hate ubuntu)…

I wonder if it’s possible to have lua installed to the x86 folder instead of the x64, maybe that is why.