What do i do with the Backend system refused server! Server might not show in the public list i cant find anything that helps me with this i need real good help

in the past i had a server but im on the keymaster beammp website it just says update available but when i press on it nothing happens how can i fix that so my server is not outdated and when i downloaded a new folder in beammp website i tryed to do a new server but now I’m getting the error or what it is Backend system refused server! Server might not show in the public list this is what I’m getting now all the time
[7/7/2021 18:41:34] [INFO] BeamMP Server v2.1.2
[7/7/2021 18:41:34] [INFO] Loaded 43 Mods
[7/7/2021 18:41:34] [INFO] PPSMonitor starting
[7/7/2021 18:41:34] [INFO] Vehicle event network online
[7/7/2021 18:41:34] [INFO] Lua system online
[7/7/2021 18:41:34] [INFO] Vehicle data network online on port 30814 with a Max of 5 Clients
[7/7/2021 18:41:44] [WARN] Backend system refused server! Server might not show in the public list
this is what my cmd says


yeah ive been getting the same error and i have no clue how to fix it

Is this line in your “ServerConfig.toml”

‘Private = true’

set to false? If so, try changing it to true.

I have the same issue! “Private = true” aswell, went on infinitely every minute

No fix for this yet? Have had this error for weeks now…

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