I’m using a hosting service (because I can’t find anything online on how to port forward my internet provider’s router) and it is absolutely overloading the CPU
Hello! I am an event manager for RLS (From the RLS Career Overhaul Expansion). I was wondering if it’s possible to set player grid positions for Races using this Mod. We have already implemented the Solo Race feature for same-day qualifying and its awesome! The only issue is setting player grid positions for actual race events. We run quite a few heats with different starting positions for players depending on certain factors. Thanks for any advice or input!
could you please tell us more about this race event? i’m just simply curious. does it have to do with player recorded ghosts as if in a replay? that’d be extraordinary. thanks!
Any raspberry can handle BeamMP server with my mod, my recommendation is you to leave this low quality hosting service
To create a start grid, you need to create as many start positions as you wish (start positions count will be the race players cap). For technical issues, please open tickets on the repo
Im not having issues making the start grid, that works perfectly. What i was asking is if there is a way to assign players a specific grid position. For example: player 1 starts in P5, player 2, P3, player 3 P4, player 4 P1, and player 5 P2. Right now it seems (I could be wrong) random.
Currently, the system works as the first player joining the race is first on the grid, and so on…
I thought about the possibility of placing manually or every players choosing their place but this feature seems too much race oriented for my mod. As I suggest regularly for non-generic features (from my mod’s pov), you can fork my mod and implement all the features you wish to have for your server experience.
This is absolutely fantastic. Loving using it so far. I just have a few questions:
1: How do I change the default clear weather “fog density” for my server? I am a map creator and the map looks best in the clear condition with 0.001 Fog, but the default is 0.000.
2: I have made over 130 missions for the map for single-player gameplay. Is there any way to directly port these to work online? (At least a few of them would be lovely)
PS: If you need any help with anything I am rather experienced on the mod map development side of things so I could lend a hand if you want the help.
Thank you for your support.
To change the default clear weather preset, you have to modify the client mod code, unfortunately (the file is EnvironmentUtils.lua
All scenarios are custom made so I guess you have no luck on this point
Feel free to open github tickets if you have improvements ideas or you find bugs
Happy to hear that ! (It was a spam)
hey great mod to race friends! any chance you could update it for the new 0.34 beamng? i dont think beamjoy is working now. thanks!!!
die gut
die gut
die sind oder oder den den
There is no major bug with the 0.34 but a new release should be out today
Edit: there was an issue with the bigmap system, which was impacting almost all scenarios, but it is fixed now
Are you ok, bro?
causes massive fps issue due to constant tick update.
Could you please be more precise? What version, map, game time, weather preset, how many players, how many cars, … ?
Tested right now on Johnson Valley, late afternoon, clear weather, 1 player, 1 car, got 78 fps avg in solo freeroam, and 85 fps avg in multiplayer with BeamJoy 1.1.3
Please open a ticket on the repo if you really think this issue is coming from BeamJoy, so we try to fix it
Salut, je viens de l’intégrer à mon serveur.
Ou trouver la liste des commande bj utiliseable dans le chat ?
La gestion du traffic est elle gerer par un fichier de configuration ou c’est une gestion du jeux de base ?
Je viens de faire plusieurs mise a jour et le traffic ne fonctionné pas avant donc je me pose la question ^^
En tout cas jolie travail. Je decouvre un peu le mode en fouillant les catégories . De mon côté 0 beug pour le moment
Merci pour ton retour
Pour les commandes dans le chat, tu peux taper /help
ou /?
ou encore /commands
dans le chat pour avoir la liste et la description (tout est traduit). Les commandes sont dynamiques selon les permissions du joueur. Il n’y en a pas beaucoup pour le moment, mais il y en a beaucoup plus depuis la mise à jour d’hier côté serveur (visible avec la commande help
Pour le traffic, les joueurs dans un groupe avec un VehicleCap
égal à -1
peuvent le faire spawner, pas les autres (ça leur donne un message indiquant qu’ils n’ont pas le droit).
N’hésite pas à te balader dans les menus pour découvrir au mieux tes possibilités avec.
N’hésite pas à ouvrir des tickets sur le repo github pour proposer des fonctionnalités ou remonter des bugs
Je vais regarder tout ca ce soir. Faut que je regarde ton système de changement de maps aussi car je suis en train de développer une interface web pour l’administration du serveur a distance sur le modèle de base de ixeygrek et il y a déjà un système de dossier inactive_map .
does anyone know of a tut video on setting this up? i figured a few things out but a walkthrough video would be really nice.