BeamMP Flood Mod

I have finally taken the time to make the flood mod for BeamMP.
The flood is controlled via the server and you can use commands to modify it.

You can download from Github
Anyone can use the commands, it’s up to you to sort out the moderation side of things since I don’t know which resource you use for it.


  1. Download the latest release from the releases page
  2. Copy into your BeamMP-Server/Resources/Client folder
  3. Copy Flood into your BeamMP-Server/Resources/Server folder


  • /flood_start - Starts the flood
  • /flood_stop - Stops the flood
  • /flood_reset - Resets the height and disables the flood
  • /flood_setLevel <level> - Sets the flood level/height
  • /flood_setSpeed <speed> - Sets the flood speed (0.001 is default)
  • /flood_setDecrease <decrease> - Makes the water level decrease instead of increase
  • /flood_setLimit <limit> - Sets the flood height limit
  • /flood_setLimitEnabled <enabled> - Enables or disables the flood height limit
  • /flood_printSettings - Prints the current flood settings

New Pre-Release 1.1.0

Get Here


  • The water now updates on the client with deltatime and exponential decay to make sure it’s not jittery and stays in sync. The server still updates it as well. If it goes too far out of sync, it will update instantly.

  • The server now sends the water level every second instead of every 25ms. I recommend leaving it at 1 second.

  • Remove rain and rain sound functionality.

  • Updated the modScript to use the new setExtensionUnloadMode function.

  • Fixed some issues with decreasing the water level.

  • Fixed duplicate timers when calling reset.

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The code in the source file for the flood.lua script differs from the download zip on the releases page. Calling the printSettings command disconnects the player calling it from the server and gives a reason “nabled: false”.
Replacing the function with the code from the source file fixes this, but I noticed that there are many other differences in that file as well.

The code should be the same in the source and in the zip file. Maybe you’re looking at 1.1.0, that version hasn’t been packaged yet. However, I recommend using that version.

And you might want to upgrade the server if that’s causing issues. It was fixed a while back, and I even tested that function to make sure you no longer get kicked.