How to change username?

Sweet lord, name changed, hahahaha, go get unbanned from CaRP.

Due to a restriction on acceptable characters this name is not useable.

Sorry, that name exceeds the maximum number of allowed characters (20).

hi could you please change my name to pierogi_ruskie? thank you

thanks mate! :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

Can it be changed to 'LLD - Crisp Johnny"? Something with a divider? If not can it just be ‘LLD Crisp Johnny’

Ok I’d like to change it to “CuriousCherrierFCV”

Please for the love of ■■■ change my name from “RETARDO” to “Roy” or “SH_Roy”. I keep getting banned / kicked from servers :sob:

Name changed to pierogi_ruskie

The closest I could get is

Name changed to Liquate

Name changed to CuriousCherrierFCV

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Name changed to SH_Roy

1 Like

That’s perfect, cheers!

i would like to change my user name to n1tr0 if i could plz

hey nevermind on the name change

Hello, can you change my BeamMP name to Empyrean?

Name changed to Empyrean

Hi, I would like to change my name to: Spectre
Thank you.

If that’s unavailable then: SpectreCorsa

Can my name be changed to Alice? If that doesnt work then -Alice-