Players' vehicles smoke a lot

Good day! :woozy_face:

I’m having a desync (?) issue on my side that players’ vehicles’ wheels (or engines?) just slide or spin across the ground with their tyres producing excessive amounts of smoke, likes of in a burnout. Doesn’t matter if it’s vanilla or otherwise. This makes it incredibly difficult to follow a lead. Turning shaders’ quality down doesn’t help either… :skull: :smoking:

Many thanks, be well & big ups! :kiss:

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f11 and find partical inpector and turn the smoke down

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Thank you very much! Although some servers don’t allow the world editor to be brought up…

Actually I found the solution myself literally ONE year after. :nerd_face:

The only problem with this is that if you don’t have a wheel, this makes things unplayable for you, because what is happening is that YOUR casual arcade gearbox settings with all kinds of assists and all that… translate to OTHERS! so when someone uses the clutch pedal for anything else other than flat shifting 0 to 100% depression, you are going to see people smoking, because on YOUR END people locked their engines. it’s just a difference of settings!

But anyway, if you have a wheel, go ahead and do this:
In the settings see Gameplay > Vehicle Behaviour > Default Ignition State, set it to ON, or running.
Then look for assists, there should be Gearbox safety, Throttle and Clutch assists, turn them OFF.

Many thanks, be well and big ups! :crazy_face:

Temporary solution is to have this custom tyre smoke mod installed on the server:

It makes the smoke less smokey.

At the very least, you can always just delete players…