Port forwarding alternatives

this probably sounds stupid but are there any free alternatives to port forwarding to host a server on my pc if it helps im australian trying to play with americans unsure of where in the us

Hello, there aren’t really any proper free alternatives to port forwarding. You can rent a server from a hosting provider but that’s not free. Also is there any reason as to why you can’t port forward?

Parent who used to work for telstra a Internet provider here said it would cook our internet and thinking the whole servers hosted on the modem

LogMeIn Hamachi

unfortunately, if you’re aware of its existence and prefer not to use it, there are no (free) alternatives to hamachi with a large userbase, nor are there any (free) alternatives for port forwarding. this is the easiest way to create a non-public server (since it’s basically LAN - actually, VPN, but that’s besides the point)

we have a guide how to set up a hamachi server (without port forwarding) for beamMP on these forums

Hamachi can be unreliable with BeamMP. I would not recommend it, which is also stated in the comment below the guide.