So this mod is awesome. My only question is why is the default membership group “none”? Players are unable to spawn vehicles until I promote them to player manually. I feel the default group should be player… or allow us to select what group new players get put into.
@BBChevy You must have set something wrong. Last time I heard about a issue this was because someone have set MaxCars to -1 (invalid value). Please ensure you default group VehicleCap is set to 1, and not only “player” group.
@coryforman As just said previously, the VehicleCap value for the default group can be changed to allow “new” players to spawn vehicle(s) (Config > Server > Groups & Permissions > Groups > None > Vehicle Cap). To explain a bit more, the “none” group is just a label for newly arrived players, some server owners will want to allow everyone (just like you) and some others will need to manually or programmatically allow each player, so I designed it this way to satisfy everyone.
I see, I just adjusted the none group to allow a vehicle spawn, thank you.
Just a note while I got you - it appears the vehicle delivery blacklist system is sort of broken, if I add a vehicle to the black list, there is no option to save/add multiple vehicles to the blacklist.
I look forward to seeing future updates on this, really great platform overall to start!
First thing! This AIO is my fav thing about the game! That says a lot, cause this games amazing… Thank you for such detailed how-to & the data packs are very helpful. Maybe we could have a sharable place to add player versions of some data packs, for some of the other custom maps. I’ve been wanting essentially merge yours into OGC2 But it likely has been done a dozen times from a few different people, an could save more time. (Again Thankyou!!)
It started working after a 4th restart. I have another issue. When racing with someone if i win the game crashes but if i place anything else its fine. I race with my kids and if they place 1st it wont crash. it also spikes my server cpu to 100% all 24 cores. anyone else have this crashing issue as owner?
I figured it out!
You need to set the Preview Position for it to work
A mini tutorial on this would be helpful for others
Hey! Loving the mod so far, but I have a small suggestion regarding waypoint creation.
Currently, the default waypoint radius is set to 1, which is barely the width of a car. This makes races quite strict and can lead to unnecessary checkpoint misses.
I suggest setting the default radius to 6, which corresponds to about 80% of BeamNG’s road widths. This would make waypoints more forgiving and improve the overall racing experience.
What do you think?
this mod just doesnt work it wont even let you give yourself owner privileges if it would even do anything after that idk. literally cant get past 2nd step when i enter my name in server commands to give privileges it just gives an error wasted 5 hours on this lmaooo
you dont do it in game. you do it in the dedicated server cmd. when you click the beammp server and that window pops up and say how many mods and that youre connected with server in the listing is the spot you type that
i dont know your language but “rayon” makes it bigger
Yes, the “Radius” parameter increases the size of the checkpoint gate
However, on tracks like Pikes Peak, where I have more than 100 checkpoints, I have to modify each one individually
It would be beneficial to have an adjustable “default” paramete
Similarly, in races with more than 20-30 checkpoints, significant lag starts to occur, even on my PC
I believe the issue stems from the window that displays our times at each checkpoint; as each new checkpoint is passed, the lag increases
It would be helpful to limit this display to the last 3-5 checkpoints.
@TontonSamael Do you read here, or, open issues on GitHub ?
I wasn’t active lately, I try to catch-up ideas and issues from time to time but I don’t answer to common and basic issues (players will find by themselves or with help of the community)
I licensed the project as open source and I greatly encourage you to open a fork to have specific changes you want to implement. I must admit the last game update did blow performances up and it is really frustrating to have months of work wasted. I will be back developing on it when I get motivation back.
The mod is amazing! This must have taken a really longtime to make. I assume most people are like me and dont have any clue how write lines of code. I can find pre existing values and edit them to my taste.
My fix for the owner game crash when placing 1st is to create a second beammp account and make that the account owner. I then gave admin account same rights as owner and made my playing account admin to fix the crash issue.
performance issues I think are caused by the server only using 1 core and 1 thread. I’ve tried to find the file and term used but cant find it because I dont have a clue what to look for. If it matters the CPU is Ryzen 9 5900X. It also picks the slowest cores so I have to change affinity to faster cores.
Thanks for this awesome mod and I think people seriously under estimate its potential!
and now no one can spawn cars in my server not even me

do you put any files into the server or just keep it in local resources goes in the client folder and the folder named “BeamJoyCore” goes in the “server” folder. for windows. Linux i dont know.
if thats correct try deleting racemp next because i bet they conflict
Getting this warning:
[LUA ERROR] string given to JsonDecode is not valid json: `
Hi! After about 30 minutes of playing, the server just crashes without errors and shuts down. What could it be and how to fix it? It crashes with BeamJoy.