Cant login Ingame (new Version)

It wont let me log in, or even play as a guest what should I do? @Titch

Hello Sloopy, Please contact me on discord as I can better assist you there.

I am unable to login or play as guest… could someone help please

i can’t even find the “key”

The key is a file which is kept in the same directory that BeamMP is in. You can get to this location by right clicking on the BeamMP shortcut on your desktop and then click open file location.

bruh it doesnt work like that

what to do if in my folder is no “key” file?

Where on earth is the key file?

I have the same stuff as you with no file key, there is no way to play it for me atm

i was just playing and now its not working

i cant log in i created account for muti

or close beamng and re open

Same I have no key file

Username?email correct Password Correct and iits still telling me to check it can someone help me please

there is no key file for some of us

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Hello all, There was an issue discovered yesterday which might have resolved your issues.
New changes have been pushed to BeamMP so please try logging in again In-Game.

If it has not resolved your issue then please comment back on this thread.

For those of you who are saying there is no “key” file then this is okay. You can safely ignore that step / bit of information.

Kind regards,

It still doesnt work

oh never mind i was ■■■■ lol

I still can’t login into the game, no key file either

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i also cant log in to the game on either of my accounts just login failed pass incorrect
i can log in on the site however
Edit: working now